Leading by ExampleBoard of Directors

Priya Agarwal Hebbar

Non-Executive and Non-Independent Chairperson (DIN: 05162177)

Navin Agarwal

Non-Executive Nominee Director (DIN: 00006303)

Arun Misra

Chief Executive Officer & Whole-time Director (DIN: 01835605)

Anjani K. Agrawal

Independent Director (DIN: 08579812)

Akhilesh Joshi

Independent Director (DIN: 01920024)

Kannan Ramamirtham

Independent Director (DIN: 00227980)

Farida M. Naik

Non-Executive Nominee Director (DIN: 07612050)

Nirupama Kotru

Non-Executive Nominee Director (DIN: 09204338)

Dr. Veena Kumari Dermal

Non-Executive Nominee Director (DIN: 08890469)

Expertise of Directors

Steered by our concerted focus on promoting the diversity at the Board level and to ensure a mix to drive sustained value creation, we continue to expand and enhance our Board skills and experience, especially in the key areas of natural resources, operational excellence, IT innovation, cybersecurity, digitalisation and automation, as well as finance.