Social – Corporate Social Responsibility Investing in Overall Community Development

CSR Vertical 4

Ensuring Access to Healthcare and Water

For lakhs of people in our operational communities, access to basic healthcare and safe drinking water continues to be an area of concern even in this day and age. We are actively working towards augmenting health and water facilities in our target areas.


To provide for the community’s health needs besides strengthening existing medical care facilities, to bridge the gaps in the rural public health system.


Provide potable drinking water in Rajasthan, which lacks adequate ground water, and free women from the arduous task of walking long distances to fetch water.


Our ‘Swasthya Sewa’ health programme is a complete package of health support initiatives across 179 villages, 7 locations and 6 districts in 2 states.

We are also working towards ensuring accessibility and availability of clean drinking water to the community through establishing RO/ATMs or by providing water tankers across 6 locations and 5 districts in Rajasthan.


Patients reached through healthcare initiatives


Company-run hospitals and rural health institutions


Beneficiaries of various water initiatives


Heroes of the Vertical
  • Addition of an oncology vehicle to the fleet to demonstrate our commitment towards the health of our local communities, and strengthen the medical infrastructure for early detection of various cancers like lung cancer, breast cancer and cervical cancer by providing the vehicle to Rabindra Nath Tagore Medical Institution
  • 53 ROs and filters with UV system installed at Government schools, colleges, hospitals, and hostels across the tribal block of Kotra, Udaipur, that benefits a population of 28,000+
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Health, Water & Sanitation Programmes


Major Activities & Achievements During FY 2022-23
Swasthya Sewa
  • Providing preventive & curative healthcare services by strengthening medical institutions and healthcare centres
  • Mobile medical health vehicle that provides door-to-door health facility for the community, and used during mega health camps, raising health awareness and connecting residents with doctors for telemedicine services
  • 190+ health awareness sessions conducted during No Tobacco Day, World Breastfeeding Week, World First Aid Day, World Mental Health Day, International Girl Child Day, etc.
  • Focussed on strengthening various health institutions – by providing special support for heart-related ailments through Cath labs in Rabindranath Tagore Medical College, Udaipur, besides supporting Shubham Seva Sansthan, Homeopathic and Naturopathy Centre

Mobile medical health vehicles


Patients treated and participants at health awareness sessions organised across 179 villages


Outpatient Department (OPD) consultations conducted


Partnerships with Smile Foundation, Shri Shubham Seva Sansthan, Deepak Foundation, Wockhardt Foundation

Drinking Water
  • Ensuring availability and accessibility of potable drinking water through 51 ROs and ATM plants established across 47 villages besides supplying water through tankers to 34 villages
  • Augmenting water supply in 3 villages of Dariba – 66,732 m3 water storage capacity enhanced, surface water harvested through deepening of ponds, achieved increase in ground water level, 1,500 livestock benefitted, undertaken recharge of 80 open/tube wells



Partnerships with Toyam Technologies India Pvt. Ltd., Waterlife Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Neer Amrit, Ambuja Cement Foundation
