ZM has been a pioneering force in lead and zinc mining, starting long before the first industrial revolution and continuing through the current era of digitalisation. With strong focus on innovation and cutting-edge technology, this group of four mines – Mochia, Balaria, Zawarmala and Baroi – has improved production efficiency and optimised mining processes.
FY 2022-23 witnessed the inauguration of a Mining Academy to train and empower in-house talent to propel the future of mining and realise the scope for expert skills in jumbo drill. The Mining Academy has been conceived by Zawar Mines in association with one of our business partners. One of the key elements of on-the-job training is operator shadowing, wherein the candidates closely shadow current jumbo operators who are assigned to them as trainers. This serves in providing candidates a comprehensive hands-on experience.
We are actively driving the Company’s journey towards the realisation of its Sustainability Goals 2025 with implementation of several initiatives during the year.
Use of the globally utilised FLAC3D numerical model to predict the response of the rock mass to various engineering activities is a time-consuming task. Developing the model geometry, and incorporating the micro structures and failure criteria into the model is also a tedious process.
The use of StopeX-Automation has been introduced to address the problems faced in FLAC3D model deployment.
During the Mines Safety Week, Mochia mine won an overall first prize, Balaria mine won Publicity, Propaganda, Housekeeping & COVID-19 Awareness prize, and Zawarmala mine won Haulage, Development Working & Safety Consciousness among Contractors & Ventilation, Dust-Control, Noise, Mine Lighting awards
26th Bhamashah award for updation of education systems
ZM awarded by Animal Husbandry Department from Udaipur nodal area for its service during lumpy disease spread
MEMC Award 2022 received by all four mines of Zawar in different categories
Zawar, along with RDM team, won overall first prize in All India Mine Rescue Competition (AIMRC) – 2022
ZM received the prestigious 5-Star rating under Indian Bureau of Mines